Daily News August 28th, 2013

Hello Awesomedventurers! Here's the daily Awesomenauts news for all of you.

New build in closed beta

Ronimo released today the 6th AND the 7th round of changes for the incoming 1.22 patch for closed beta testing. Thank the friendly beta testers Tomasoares and Zold for always updating the official forums with the tentative changes that are included in every beta build! Without further due, let's list them here:

Admiral Swiggins
- Lots of balancing changes... As he wasn't launched yet, better not to them here

Vinnie & Spike
- Yakoiza price reduced from 185 to 160
- Mammoth Sock with Holes stealth time reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds per stage

- Electrifier slow reduced from 15% to 12.5% per stage

- Rubberband ball speedup lasts 1 second longer
- Rip Apart Bear shield reduced from 15% to 12.5%
- Rage collision has been made a bit smaller to be more in line with the graphical effect 
- Base Health changed to 135

- Trap lifetime reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds

- Weaponized Hull no longer increase the range of suicide drone explosions
- Weaponized Hull has been divided into 2 stages, each stage costing 180 solar and giving +3 damage

- Pump Rifle price reduced from 220 solar to 200 solar per stage

- Monarch's Blessing base shield reduced from 30% to 25%
- Hidden Leaves additional shield potency reduced from 10% to 7.5% per stage
- The Ct Pillar heal reduced from 14 to 12 per stage

- Podpack with Banana has been changed to be more reliable

To see the complete list of changes, click here.

Starstorm kickstarter update

The Starstorm expansion pack kickstarter campaign reached the $147K mark with 20 days left for the end of the crowdfunding campaign. Ronimo's staff member Ralph also gave an update on the official forums about the delays on allowing Paypal donations:

"We're trying to set up a very neat and structured Paypal system that eventually will be better for you guys and less of a jumble for us. It's proving a bit more work then expected though so it might take a few more days.
That said, when it launches I'll let a seperate blue droppod fall (you can already see it prepped for launch in the progress screen) that marks the Paypal donations added to the Kickstarter funds so we can see where we're at stretch goal wise.
We want Paypal just as much as you guys but we think we found a better way to implement it at the last minute and it's worth waiting for if it works out"

Source: Awesomenauts official forum

Daily news and art spotlight!

Hello awesomedventurers! How are you doing? It's so cold here... I kinda envy your summer, as I'm not used to cold bursts that have been happenning lately here in our winter. Nonetheless, it's been a pretty uneventful day for the Awesomenauts community, so I'll give a bonus to you

Starstorm funding reached $140K

Starstorm kickstarter just broke the $140K milestone with 22 days left. Ronimo is still working on setting up Paypal as a method of backing up their crowdfunding campaign. Also, as a thank you for achieving their minimum pledge goal for Sandstorm, they released a video thanking everyone who donated. Of course, the community kindly thanked their video with this awesome loop.

Art Spotlight: GandWatch

As we have no news about any upcoming Awesomenauts events, I'll spotlight one awesome artist who did a wonderful job drawing Awesomenauts fanart. The name of the artist is GandWatch and here's one of his beautifully drawn Naut.

If you'd like to see more of his fanarts, visit his thread on the official forums. Go there and give that guy some support!

Daily News August 26th 2013

Hello awesomedventurers! Had a good weekend? I hope yours was as good, if not better than mine. I've fallen in love with Clunk and played a couple matches with him and... well, let's go for the news before I get carried away from the main point of the post xD.

Awesomenauts: Starstorm got funded!

Sunday, August 25th is a day to be remembered! It was the day that Awesomenauts reached the kickstarter's minimum pledge of $125,000 for the Starstorm expansion pack ! Though it's time to celebrate this victory achieved by our awesome community, there are plenty of stretch goals that will add lots of nice features to the game, such as the new map ($200K), custom games ($270K) and much more. Ronimo is currently working to enable paypal donations and we'll update as soon as we know it!

Admiral Swiggins skins revealed!

The upcoming Naut Admiral Swiggins' skins were revealed during the 24 hours fundraiser stream done this weekend. The skins will be available for purchase immediately on release. Admiral Swiggins is currently on beta and it's believed his launch will be this week.

Admiral Cthulu

Dr. Fetus Swiggins

To see the images in higher resolutions, click here.

Thank you DarkXDZ for the images!

Daily News August 23rd, 2013

Hello Awesomedventurers! Friday, friday, it's friday! So let's warm up for the weekend with our daily news!

Starstorm reaches $100,000 mark

Within 5 days of the beginning of Awesomenauts Starstorm expansion pack kickstarter, the project managed to reach $100,000 dolars, being only a fifth away from the targetted minimum pledge. To help donating for the expansion kickstarter and learn more about the project features, stretch goals and reward tiers for donat, visit Awesomenauts Sandstorm Kickstarter page and help make it a reality!

24-hour fundraising stream

Three top Awesomenauts teams will host a 24-hours fundraiser stream on twitch.tv to help Ronimo's kickstarter for the Starstorm expansion pack. It'll include games with the community, interaction with Romino's staff and much more. For those interested in watching and getting possible hints about Sandstorm plans and content, the link is right here.

New beta build changes

A new beta build (1.22.4) was released today with changes on Gnaw, Leon and Ayla.


-Leon's Clover of Honour and Surprise Mask no longer works against structure


-Now has Power Pills Turbo instead of Power Pills Light


-No longer has to jump to activate floating while in Rage
-No longer falls when using jump pads

For the complete beta patch notes, click here.

That's it guys. If you have any news, suggestions and feedback, send them to theawesomedventures@gmail.com

Awesomenauts News August 22nd, 2013

Hello Awesomedventurers! Inspired by yesterday news round-up, I'll try to gather all information I can related to Awesomenauts! This way I can up the quality of my written content and tell better Awesomedventures. ;] 

Swiggins patch targetted for next week

Ronimo is targetting Swiggins release patch for next week (August 26th-30th). You can check out the tentative patch notes for 1.22 build here.

Matchmaking and Network adjustments on the works

According to Ronimo's team member Joost, there are plans to do a few changes on their matchmaking and network systems, with a few of them already coming in Swiggins patch. 
1.22 changes:
-When you try to leave a match, you get a cooldown timer during which you cannot quit but you can get back into the match;
-Leagues have been removed from the in-game scoreboard;
-(tentative)Anti-boosting measures to decrease rating gains to higher rated players when games with high league disparities are placed in the same game.
Future changes:
-Removing the rematch button;
-Improvements during what happens when you get the "Reconnecting" icon, to make it succeed more often and faster;
-Improvements to make the game work better for players with connection problems;
-A bunch of bug-fixes for rare bugs like having 4 players in a team;
-Automatically kicking AFK players.

Changes to Starstorm's Kickstarter rewards 

People who donate $15 will have the option to exchange a free copy of the game for one of the Costume Party DLC skins! Also, donating $30 or more will net you both Costume Party Skins. For more information regarding Sandstorm Kickstarter's rewards and goals, click here.

Also $84,000 were already donated and we still have 27 days to go! When the project hits the minimum goal of $125,000, Kickstarter will open up the option of donating through Paypal for those who don't have a credit card. 

News Round-up

Hello Awesomedventurers! Today I started typing a story I want to share with you, but I ended up detailing it so much that I typed a 600 word text and I didn't even reach the middle of it. So I'll save it to a later date and do a small news round-up for the game. :P

Starstorm Kickstarter reaches $75,000

Starstorm Kickstarter funding has reached a tiny bit under $75,000 (as the time of this post), meaning that in 2 days they reached almost 60% of their minimum goal. If they reach $125,000, people will be able to donate via paypal, making it easier to reach the stretch goals. Keep up the donation so we can have a more awesome Awesomenauts!

Unknown pledger donated $10,000

2- It seems like someone actually donated $10,000 for the Sandstorm Kickstarter, meaning we have a Caketanium tier donator who will get all the goodness Ronimo has to offer. The identity of the donator is still unknown, but we know he's from Australia and he probably likes cake a bit too much.

Starstorm Kickstarter featured in PC Gamer

Starstorm expansion was published in PC Gamer (and a few other gaming websites iirc). Check PC Gamer article here and help by spreading the Sandstorm Kickstarter!

PS4 Port and Starstorm Exp Kickstarter!

Hello Awesomedventurers! I'm really sorry I disappeared for this past week! >.< I got sick (nasty flu), had a ton of homework from college and couldn't think very well, so anything I tried to write was either some nonsensical rant with very poor english (poorer than the one I usually write here >.<). Anyway, I'm back and ready for action!

This past week we received some really nice news for Awesomenauts! First, they are making a port for PS4. This news is huge. Awesomenauts being sold in PS4 means more people buying stuff from Ronimo, leading to Awesomenauts's growth, further leading to more Awesomenaut's support and game additions! It's nice to see a indie developer grow up without some huge investors and sheer perserverance.

Now more recently (yesterday!), they started a Kickstarter for a new Awesomenauts's expansion pack 'Starstorm'! It'll include 3 new characters (Skree is AWESOME), Global Chat, Twin Stick support, more music and Spectator mode if they reach their goal, with higher more nice additions to the game for every stretch goal reached. Also, by donating you can get some really nice rewards, such as exclusive skins, game copies, custom icons and more. You guys can read more about it here. I'll try to donate for it as soon as I have some spare money, and I highly encourage you guys to do the same. That Leon skin is too awesome to pass up and is also a good excuse to help make Awesomenauts bigger and better. :P