The First Awesomedventures

Hello awesomedventurers! Today I'll talk about my first awesomedventures of when I started playing this awesome game .

When I bought Awesomenauts, I was absolutely hyped. I loved the cartoon-ish art-style, I loved the 'brawl' feel I've seen in the presentation videos and I was really impressed by the indie games I bought before in Steam.

Upon openning the game, it quickly exceeded my expectations. The cutscene and tutorial made a good job setting myself within the Awesomenauts universe, and putting me in action from the begginning took out a lot of complications (such as many players that refuse to go through the tutorial xD). The instructions were pretty clear (even more clearer for a long time gamer) and the basic commands felt pretty natural to me (move, shoot, jump). The deep, fast-paced nature of the game coupled with simple control commands and an almost endless stream of pop-culture and humor immediately hooked me.

After beating the tutorial, it was time to check out all the characters to find out what each one of them was capable of doing. I decided to try each character against lvl 0 bots, both to learn from the bots what I should not be doing and to know each character's strenghts and weaknesses. What I initially disliked was having a huge part of the cast locked due to level restriction, but I felt it was a necessary evil: too much information and choice right off the bat can easily overwhelm a new player. Eventhough I hate these kind of restrictions, it wasn't that bad: each game gave me enough experience (or solar ;p) to unlock a new character, allowing me to play once without needing to repeat any.

During this initial testing, I learned two things: 1.I really liked Genji; 2. NEVER let a Lonestar bull you against a tower xD. It took me a while to memorize that the 2nd skill button was the scroll wheel click, and I kept using my primary skill when I meant to use the secondary and vice-versa, but I quickly got over it. :P

After a couple more Genji games against the lvl 0 bots, I gave lvl 3 ones a shot. And it was a fair challenge. They pushed, went rambo mode against turrets and pressured turrets. The games weren't 10-15 minutes stomps anymore and I no longer could solo kill them easily. These games made me realize one strong aspect of the game: one person can't effectively carry the game by themselves. You can't really succeed in it with the solo queue League of Legends mentality. Requiring teamwork to accomplish anything in the gave me a great deal of respect to the devs and showed me how deep the gameplay really is. I even lost a game when i tried to go with Voltar xD. It was really fun and exploring each bit of it was (and still is) really fun!

Whew! I think I wrote a lot today! I'll leave my first PvP matches experiences for a future post, as this one is already pretty long. xD So let's share our first awesomedventures! What were your first impressions? What characters were you hyped to play before unlocking them?Post them bellow!

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