The First Challenges

Hello awesomedventurers! Today I'll bring the stories of my first PvP matches. So without further due, let's keep this ball rolling!
After playing a day against Bots to get the hang of it, I was determined to face real players and see how far I'd be able to go within the ladders with my trusty Genji. A little bit anxious (yes, I'm that stupid :P), I clicked battle, chose the loadout and launched myself for battle. Upon joining my first PvP match, a few things really caught my attention: I joined an ongoing match with a lot of money (a completely different and alien thing for the moba genre), my team had a bot to fill the open slots (!) and the unpleasant sight of a couple of friendly turrets down. But perhaps, what most  surprised me was how easy it was to turn the game around. It's not like I enjoy bragging (everyone loves bragging, who am I lying to? :x), but people were more predictable and easier to handle than the bots playing there. They overextended, ran scared when you hit them with anything and didn't try to dodge. Well... at the end, with the help of the trusty Clunk bot and a Leon, we managed to turn the game around.
After winning this match, the game instantly promoted me to League 8. Already? I just won a match, why the heck it already promoted me a league after my very first PvP match? I didn't think much about it, and the game was good enough to try a rematch... but what I actually ended up playing was a 1v1 with bots filling the slots for each side. With my flying droid army created from my coccoon upgrades, I managed to outpush the enemy and snag another victory. Oh, and I got another promotion(!). I kept playing and won every match up to League 3, with each one ranking me up one league.
Well, I can say that when I played my first League 3, it was a different than before. The matches got a lot tougher as my flying droid army strategy stopped working as effectively as before, mostly due to Raes and V&Ss started to show up bursting down my armies quickly. People seemed smarter and actually landed skills xD. They weren't scared off as easily, played mechanically better, but each player seemed to mind their own business, overextended and kept doing the same mistakes over and over again.  D: I wasn't able to single-handlely carry games, but still managed to do a great deal of impact on them. I wasn't winning all my matches, but I still had a positive winning rate.
A few games later, I managed to reach League 2. Oh boy... League 2 pretty much took everything that worked previously and threw at the garbage. I played 4 matches in that league and lost all of 'em. People were unpredictable, used some 'techniques' that I abused before (loading a skill off-screen and rapidly show up and aim it in the face of the enemy), were more accurate, knew how to position accordingly and punished positional mistakes pretty badly. I was overwhelmed by these experienced players and soon I was kicked back to League 3. >.<
That's when I started to dance around leagues. I'd win a couple of games and go up to League 3, then get my ass kicked and drop down to League 2. A little bit tired of losing so badly against League 2 players to such one-sided games, I decided to give Awesomenaut's community a check, visiting the forums. But my impressions and opinions about it will be left for a future post. :P
So Awesomedventurers, how was your first PvP awesomedventures? Did you have some previous gaming experience and managed to stomp your enemies or struggled in the first matches? Share your stories in the comments bellow.
PS: I'll try my best to update this blog during weekdays, as it is when I have most of my spare time (I work in a different city and have a 2 hours gap between the end of my job expedient and the bus that goes back home), so the next post will probably come on Monday.

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