Awesomenauts News August 22nd, 2013

Hello Awesomedventurers! Inspired by yesterday news round-up, I'll try to gather all information I can related to Awesomenauts! This way I can up the quality of my written content and tell better Awesomedventures. ;] 

Swiggins patch targetted for next week

Ronimo is targetting Swiggins release patch for next week (August 26th-30th). You can check out the tentative patch notes for 1.22 build here.

Matchmaking and Network adjustments on the works

According to Ronimo's team member Joost, there are plans to do a few changes on their matchmaking and network systems, with a few of them already coming in Swiggins patch. 
1.22 changes:
-When you try to leave a match, you get a cooldown timer during which you cannot quit but you can get back into the match;
-Leagues have been removed from the in-game scoreboard;
-(tentative)Anti-boosting measures to decrease rating gains to higher rated players when games with high league disparities are placed in the same game.
Future changes:
-Removing the rematch button;
-Improvements during what happens when you get the "Reconnecting" icon, to make it succeed more often and faster;
-Improvements to make the game work better for players with connection problems;
-A bunch of bug-fixes for rare bugs like having 4 players in a team;
-Automatically kicking AFK players.

Changes to Starstorm's Kickstarter rewards 

People who donate $15 will have the option to exchange a free copy of the game for one of the Costume Party DLC skins! Also, donating $30 or more will net you both Costume Party Skins. For more information regarding Sandstorm Kickstarter's rewards and goals, click here.

Also $84,000 were already donated and we still have 27 days to go! When the project hits the minimum goal of $125,000, Kickstarter will open up the option of donating through Paypal for those who don't have a credit card. 

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