What grinds my Awesomenauter's gears

Hello awesomedventurers! Today I'd like to vent off some recent events that grinded my Awesomenauter's gears lately. xD

Recently I've been matched against a few League 1 players when I solo queued (curiously all of 'em were Coco mains) and, with the exception of one game, I was utterly stomped in all of 'em. Oddly, The only game I played gainst the L1 which wasn't a total stomped was the game I raged the most. Usually total stomps don't frustrate me mainly because it's easy to learn what happenned in hindsight and the guy who stomps has to outplay us by a huge margin. But that game was different. Both my teammates and the opposing Coco's teammates were in suicidal mode and the only thing that kept both team's turrets from falling were me and Coco. Then out of nowhere both my teammates DCed. The only kind of games I hate to lose are the close calls where something random and beyond my control comes and takes away my chances of winning. This loss proved too frustrating and ended up closing my Awesomenaut's session for the day. :P

Another thing that's really frustrating are the clueless teammates. :P While I can't blame someone for the lack of sinergy in a solo queue game, it becomes really hard to do something when you are totally out of sync with your teammates. Sometimes you go for a kill and suddenly get ganked by the enemy team because your allies with full health didn't chase their low health Vinnie (who proceeds spam taunts after that just seem to taste a bit my tears). T.T Sometimes you try to help an ally who's caught in a gank and die along with him (along with more taunt spamming). Anyway, while you can find some really nice teammates who seems to work really well with you, there's a good share of Nauters who simply doesn't know what they are doing and is a real challenge to have some teamwork going on. xD

What does grinds your gears in Awesomenauts? Have any stories to share? Post 'em in the comments bellow!

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