The reasoning of why I like supporting so much

Hello awesomedventurers! How are you doing? I'm feeling great  because it's Friday! Weekends usually means a lot of Awesomenauts playtime, something I've been missing for the entire week xD.

As you guys might know, I main Genji. I think half of my games were played with him. The funny thing is, when I think about it in hindsight, I'm always drawn to high impact supporting roles in other games. I played healers when I wasn't playing with my warlock on WoW and mained support and tanks in League of Legends. My personality fits supports like a glove, as I never liked the idea of trying to be the most popular guy, but always wanted to feel a decisive and important part of a group.

Another aspect most support I always liked is their personality. Most support/protective characters usually only wish the best for their kin, helping their own people and acting with the best intents for them. These valors are what I usually strive for in my daily life, and finding characters that seek this connects me with them.

It's nice to reflect and learn about yourself, reflecting about why you really like some things. So Awesomedventures, what is your favorite character in Awesomenauts and why do you enjoy playing with him?

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