Exploring the community

Hello awesomedventurers! How was your weekends? Mine was great, full of bbq and draught beer on the saturday and Awesomenauts on sunday xD. Well, today I'll share my experience with the fantastic Awesomenaut's community, and how it inspired me to create this blog.
As I posted previously, I have to wait for 2 hours after my working time everyday for my ride back home.  So what's better to kill time than browsing the internet? As I have a deep gaming passion for the games I play, this time is used to check news about them. I used to check out mmo-champion (and the extinct worldofraids) when I played WoW, Reign of Gaming for League of Legends articles and news, and after getting hooked on  Awesomenauts, I naturally began looking for something similar. Well, the only website I've found that had something nice was the awesomenauts pro league, and they're focused mostly on organizing tournaments than posting stuff on their blog.
Without any popular blog to read (as I'm usually restricted to the written media during this time) and my need to see something Awesomenaut related (I'm a devourer of gaming blog content, what can I do? :P), I decided to give a chance to the forums. To my greater surprise, it was one of the few select forums I've ever found where people are mature and respectful. Back when I visited LoL official forums, whenever I tried to join a topic or discussion, it seemed like nobody gave a damn about other's opinions. People would argue over meaningless details of the posts and responses and not capture and discuss the main idea behind them. But there it was different. People responded to other people's point and respectfully agreed or disagreed. Heck, even a topic about a controversial theme in the offtopic area with a high 'derailment' chance didn't evolve to a ****storm over the course of several pages. I gotta say I loved this forums and I'm pretty sure I'll be a frequent user for a long time. :)
While looking at the forums, I learned about PUGrnauts, a public mumble server for Awesomenauts's players. Seeking to play with other people (as both friends I gave my extra Awesomenauts copies didn't gave the game a serious try </3) to learn a bit more advanced strategy and learn the dynamics of a closed premade group, I gave it a try. Though I'm a really shy person and my rusty english (it usually takes me 2-3 reviews for each blog post to reach an acceptable grammar level xD), I met some really nice people (thumbs up for Javtech for teaching me so much about the flow of the game, Stefanos for being such awesome partner and SH4F3R [sorry if I mispelled, your name is too hard to memorize correctly >.<] for teaching me Genji tips!). It's a great place to hang around and I strongly recommend going there.
After experiencing so many good things that the community had to offer, I felt strongly compelled to give something back to the community. Since there was no blogs or fansites, I created The Awesomedventures! :)
How has your experience with the community been so far? Have any good stories? Share them in the comment section bellow with our fellow Awesomedventurers!

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