PS4 Port and Starstorm Exp Kickstarter!

Hello Awesomedventurers! I'm really sorry I disappeared for this past week! >.< I got sick (nasty flu), had a ton of homework from college and couldn't think very well, so anything I tried to write was either some nonsensical rant with very poor english (poorer than the one I usually write here >.<). Anyway, I'm back and ready for action!

This past week we received some really nice news for Awesomenauts! First, they are making a port for PS4. This news is huge. Awesomenauts being sold in PS4 means more people buying stuff from Ronimo, leading to Awesomenauts's growth, further leading to more Awesomenaut's support and game additions! It's nice to see a indie developer grow up without some huge investors and sheer perserverance.

Now more recently (yesterday!), they started a Kickstarter for a new Awesomenauts's expansion pack 'Starstorm'! It'll include 3 new characters (Skree is AWESOME), Global Chat, Twin Stick support, more music and Spectator mode if they reach their goal, with higher more nice additions to the game for every stretch goal reached. Also, by donating you can get some really nice rewards, such as exclusive skins, game copies, custom icons and more. You guys can read more about it here. I'll try to donate for it as soon as I have some spare money, and I highly encourage you guys to do the same. That Leon skin is too awesome to pass up and is also a good excuse to help make Awesomenauts bigger and better. :P

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