The beginning

Hello fellow Awesomedventurers! This is Kbludoh, a fellow 'nauter who would like to share his Awesomenaut's experiences in a blog form! This is the first post of a blog project I've been planning to do for a loooong time, but never figured out what and how to actually blog. :P I intend to share my thoughts, analysis and lessons learned while I hone my Awesomenauts skills and interact with the community!

To start off, I'll talk a little bit about myself. At the time of this post, I have something around 65 total hours played (according to Steam) and a little less than 120 games played (including practice mode) in a 10 days span (wow, I didn't know I actually played that much). I'm currently placed in League 2, something around the high 4xxx placement in the current season (4) leaderboards ranking and a little less than 48% winrate.

My previous competitive (PvP) experience are 16xx in WoW's 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 (playing WoW since 2007) as Resto Shaman main and Season 2 Gold rating/Silver I current season ranking in League of Legends (playing LoL for 2 years) as support main. Other than that, I like playing casually racing, platform, fighting and music games.

So, fellow awesomedventurers, what are your prior gaming experiences? What games do you enjoy playing when not kicking galactic asses?

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