Daily News August 28th, 2013

Hello Awesomedventurers! Here's the daily Awesomenauts news for all of you.

New build in closed beta

Ronimo released today the 6th AND the 7th round of changes for the incoming 1.22 patch for closed beta testing. Thank the friendly beta testers Tomasoares and Zold for always updating the official forums with the tentative changes that are included in every beta build! Without further due, let's list them here:

Admiral Swiggins
- Lots of balancing changes... As he wasn't launched yet, better not to them here

Vinnie & Spike
- Yakoiza price reduced from 185 to 160
- Mammoth Sock with Holes stealth time reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds per stage

- Electrifier slow reduced from 15% to 12.5% per stage

- Rubberband ball speedup lasts 1 second longer
- Rip Apart Bear shield reduced from 15% to 12.5%
- Rage collision has been made a bit smaller to be more in line with the graphical effect 
- Base Health changed to 135

- Trap lifetime reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds

- Weaponized Hull no longer increase the range of suicide drone explosions
- Weaponized Hull has been divided into 2 stages, each stage costing 180 solar and giving +3 damage

- Pump Rifle price reduced from 220 solar to 200 solar per stage

- Monarch's Blessing base shield reduced from 30% to 25%
- Hidden Leaves additional shield potency reduced from 10% to 7.5% per stage
- The Ct Pillar heal reduced from 14 to 12 per stage

- Podpack with Banana has been changed to be more reliable

To see the complete list of changes, click here.

Starstorm kickstarter update

The Starstorm expansion pack kickstarter campaign reached the $147K mark with 20 days left for the end of the crowdfunding campaign. Ronimo's staff member Ralph also gave an update on the official forums about the delays on allowing Paypal donations:

"We're trying to set up a very neat and structured Paypal system that eventually will be better for you guys and less of a jumble for us. It's proving a bit more work then expected though so it might take a few more days.
That said, when it launches I'll let a seperate blue droppod fall (you can already see it prepped for launch in the progress screen) that marks the Paypal donations added to the Kickstarter funds so we can see where we're at stretch goal wise.
We want Paypal just as much as you guys but we think we found a better way to implement it at the last minute and it's worth waiting for if it works out"

Source: Awesomenauts official forum

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