News Round-up

Hello Awesomedventurers! Today I started typing a story I want to share with you, but I ended up detailing it so much that I typed a 600 word text and I didn't even reach the middle of it. So I'll save it to a later date and do a small news round-up for the game. :P

Starstorm Kickstarter reaches $75,000

Starstorm Kickstarter funding has reached a tiny bit under $75,000 (as the time of this post), meaning that in 2 days they reached almost 60% of their minimum goal. If they reach $125,000, people will be able to donate via paypal, making it easier to reach the stretch goals. Keep up the donation so we can have a more awesome Awesomenauts!

Unknown pledger donated $10,000

2- It seems like someone actually donated $10,000 for the Sandstorm Kickstarter, meaning we have a Caketanium tier donator who will get all the goodness Ronimo has to offer. The identity of the donator is still unknown, but we know he's from Australia and he probably likes cake a bit too much.

Starstorm Kickstarter featured in PC Gamer

Starstorm expansion was published in PC Gamer (and a few other gaming websites iirc). Check PC Gamer article here and help by spreading the Sandstorm Kickstarter!

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