Daily news and art spotlight!

Hello awesomedventurers! How are you doing? It's so cold here... I kinda envy your summer, as I'm not used to cold bursts that have been happenning lately here in our winter. Nonetheless, it's been a pretty uneventful day for the Awesomenauts community, so I'll give a bonus to you

Starstorm funding reached $140K

Starstorm kickstarter just broke the $140K milestone with 22 days left. Ronimo is still working on setting up Paypal as a method of backing up their crowdfunding campaign. Also, as a thank you for achieving their minimum pledge goal for Sandstorm, they released a video thanking everyone who donated. Of course, the community kindly thanked their video with this awesome loop.

Art Spotlight: GandWatch

As we have no news about any upcoming Awesomenauts events, I'll spotlight one awesome artist who did a wonderful job drawing Awesomenauts fanart. The name of the artist is GandWatch and here's one of his beautifully drawn Naut.

If you'd like to see more of his fanarts, visit his thread on the official forums. Go there and give that guy some support!

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